The lifting belt is made of synthetic fiber material, which is not only used for lifting and hoisting operations, but also often paired with hand cranked hoists for cargo binding work. With its own strength, it is capable of performing such work without a doubt. In fact, a more professional binding tool is not a lifting belt, but a modified tool based on lifting belts - a binding belt.
Binding tape, also known as cargo binding tape, has the same synthetic fiber material as lifting tape and also has very good strength. At the same time, some binding tapes also have good waterproof properties, such as high-strength polyester binding tapes with low water absorption and strong waterproof properties, which are often used in ship binding operations.
We can understand the bundling strap as a combination of a lifting strap and a locking device. One end of the strap is equipped with a locking device, which has a gear inside that can tighten the bundling strap by rotating. It also has reverse self-locking ability to prevent the bundling strap from loosening. This is the cargo bundling strap.